Whitepaper| Methane sensor| Natural Gas leak detection. — eLichens

Whitepaper – Methane-selective sensor for Natural Gas leak detection

Gas leak detection in cities is one of today’s challenges gas utilities are facing for multiple reasons: environment, economic and safety. By leveraging the rise of connected sensors and low-power wireless networks, several players are already installing connected gas leak detectors to significantly reduce potential gas leaks.

Usually, these leak detectors are installed in the building basement, a location where other chemicals can be stored, or where mold can grow and generate volatile hydrocarbons prone to trigger false alarms. False gas leak alarms can have significant impact, and in this context, it is easy to understand that a reliable and ultra-selective Methane sensor is mandatory.

As of now, there is no optical sensor on the market sensitive to methane only. To avoid false alarms, eLichens developed a NDIR sensor with a specific proprietary optical filter, able to selectively target the CH4 wavelengths. Since it is sensitive to a narrow range of gases, this sensor is called “CH4 Narrow Band (CH4NB)” and is the first one of its kind.


eLichens Foxberry NDIR CH4NB sensor (32 x 20 x 7 mm3)

Tests have been performed to validate the high selectivity of this CH4NB sensor and results are outstanding. The ultra-high selectivity of this sensor, and its perfect adequation to Natural Gas leak detection, have been validated by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI, in Chicago, IL):

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For wireless leak detection of Natural Gas, eLichens CH4NB sensor meets all the market requirements:

  • High Methane selectivity, validated by the US reference laboratory in this field,

  • Lowest power consumption on the market to enable 10-year battery-powered applications,

  • Driftless operation validated over more than 17 years of operation. 

Discover all the details of this new exciting sensor by requesting a copy of our White Paper below.