Introducing our new gas sensor Mulberry

banner of eLichens News, introducing our new sensor "Mulberry" 4-Series", a micro-cylindric shaped sensor

eLichens is proud to present Mulberry, its 4-Series industry standard smart sensor with multiple flavors including: LEL, CH4, CO2, Refrigerants.


Mulberry confirms the industrial grade performance of eLichens’ technology combined with ultra-low power consumption and an extended service life. With dedicated built-in design features, Mulberry solves many of the thermal shock flaws plaguing existing solutions.

Exploit its potential for Human and Industrial Safety or Gas leak detection, with a lot of possible applications thanks to the 4-series standard and our proprietary NDIR dual-channel technology.

Keeping the best of eLichens’ main features that made our success:

  • A precise calibration

  • An ultra low power

  • A large range

  • A high accuracy

  • Fast response time

  • 10+ years lifetime

  • ATEX and IECEX certification


It has been prototyped for selected partners and will be released soon to the wider market in November 2020.


CONTACT US NOW FOR MORE information about Mulberry