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France 3

eLichens on French TV: Methane Sentinels

eLichens on French TV: Methane Sentinels

eLichens was recently featured on France 3 in their program "L'info en + Climat." This weekly 7-minute segment, presented by Lise Riger, focuses on initiatives aimed at reducing the global gas emissions by detecting and monitoring methane with high-tech miniaturized gas sensors and IoT detectors.

Watch Pierre Jallon, CTO of eLichens, and Marc Attia, CMO & co-founder of eLichens, talk about this in the episode below (French audio*) that aired on France 3 Rhône-Alpes.

Aura-CO2 presented on French Morning TV show

 Aura-CO2 presented on French Morning TV show

On France 3, Yannick Kusy featured our company and its purpose, the importance of air quality right now in today’s society and our latest air quality station Aura-CO2, with its latest feature, "Smiley Mode".