As part of the European GoGreenRoutes project, Smart City eLos offer from eLichens is now extending to the city of Versailles with the installation of several eLos stations, to study the outdoor air quality.
Impact of climate change & outdoor activities on human beings at the time of Covid-19 & solutions to overcome them
The changing climate has modified climate patterns that in turn have impacted the levels and location of outdoor air pollutants. Even healthy people may experience health effects from polluted air, including respiratory irritation or difficulty breathing during intense or prolonged outdoor activities.
We are proud to announce eLichens has achieved the ISO 9001 certification
We are proud to announce that eLichens has finally become ISO 9001 accredited after a major effort over the last few years!
The ISO - International Organization for Standardization is an autonomous, international organization that establishes global industrial and commercial quality control standards.